Interview of Arisa
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- Arisa
- 年齢・職業
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1. Introduction:
My name is Arisa Saito. I teach English to high school students in Japan. I like to watch movies. I love Disney film because they are interesting and I can easy to understand the story although it’s in English. I think watch English movies can enhance my English ability. Except to learn English, my hobby is dancing ballet.
2. Why did you want to study in Philippine?
I heard Philippines can speak English in fluently so I choose to come here.
3. What did you learn from Howdy?
I think everyone is teacher in this school. To be an English teacher, I’d like to learn how to improve my teaching skill. Teachers prepare many good things and content which connect to teaching and communicate with other people. Not only the teaching but also the idea and thinking I learn from them. Most of Japanese has difficult to express themselves. I heard the teachers said there are 60 students in class of Philippine; compare to Japan, they just have 40 students in one class. However, they can speak English better than Japanese because they start to learn it from elementary school. Japanese learn English from junior high school and they don’t have opportunity to speak English.
4. If you have chance, do you want to come back Howdy?
Yes, I’d love to come back here.
5. Do you think your English have improved?
I don’t know my English have improved or not because I just stay here only one week but I enjoy communicate with different kind of people. I love to share idea with others.
6. Are you satisfied with Howdy’s service?
It’s good especially I love teachers and also staff, meals.